MeaningCloud Reveals Its Offering in Deep Text Analytics to Transform Customer Feedback Into Action

With its products for Emotion Recognition, Intention Analysis and Voice of the Customer analysis, MeaningCloud provides the most complete offering in deep text analytics to level up your customer insights

MeaningCloud, a leading company in text analytics and deep semantic analysis, has incorporated new products to its offering for unstructured customer feedback analysis.

Becoming a customer-focused company requires analyzing the feedback that customers provide through a variety of unstructured channels: surveys, interviews, contact center, social media. The volume and speed of this feedback requires automatic processing, but in many cases the solutions available are limited to a shallow analysis of the content, based on mentions, predefined categorizations or basic positive/negative polarity, which is not sufficient to feed the decision making process.

Extracting customer insights that can be turned into action requires having a complete picture of customer opinions, perceptions, emotions and intentions that includes aspects, such as:

  • Analysis of the emotional connection with products.
  • Detection of the intention in the client’s journey.
  • Analysis of multidimensional satisfaction and quality perception.
  • Discovery of brand associations and personality.
  • Development of perception maps to differentiate and position the offering.
  • Discovery of new, “off the radar” topics and themes.

All these are aspects that can be analyzed thanks to MeaningCloud’s deep text analytics offering, which includes products such as predefined analysis packages (Voice of the Customer, Emotion Recognition, Intention Analysis), advanced APIs (Text Clustering, Corporate Reputation), Deep Semantic Analytics capabilities and advanced customization tools. These products can be combined in a synergic way to obtain a 360º view of customers.

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