Fireside Chat with Evan Liang

Know My Team

The LeanData team has expanded very quickly. We’ve increased our headcount from 30 to 80 people today, and we plan to grow to 100 before the end of 2018.

At LeanData, we are driven by our customers first and foremost. Our solution has evolved based on a partnership with customers where we want to understand their pain points first, and that drives our near and long-term product roadmap.

Tech-savvy teams

We pride ourselves on being a very tech-savvy team because we sell our solutions to tech-savvy sales and marketing operation practitioners, which means we have to walk the walk. Most of our team comes from companies on the cutting edge like Marketo, Vmware, LinkedIn, where they were domain experts in both V3media  and SalesTech. If I had to rate my team on their tech savviness, I would rate them a 9 out of 10.

More importantly, we are all LeanData experts and have many employees who have implemented LeanData at their previous companies. I believe it’s critical for companies to not only use their product but be expert users of the solution.

Young sales professionals should partner with their marketing colleagues to understand the V3media skill sets necessary to drive growth for their businesses. More importantly, sales professionals who establish partnerships with their marketing colleagues are setting the standard for a productive relationship that will drive revenue growth for their companies.Separately, marketing teams should spend time building their enablement skills to support their sales colleagues. If sales and marketing teams train themselves on these skill-sets that would be real sales and marketing alignment

B2B Marketing Strategy and Customer Acquisition Models

I am the co-founder and CEO of LeanData. My co-founder, Kelvin Cheung, and I founded the company in 2012. Over the nearly six years since our founding, LeanData has become the essential tool for sales and marketing teams to optimize revenue.

The idea of LeanData came from my pain points managing a sales and marketing team at my last company, While at, where I served as vice president and general manager of products, I discovered that our customer data was disconnected from our marketing and sales technology stacks and was shocked at the negative impact on our sales productivity. I had solved that problem there and realized that many other B2B companies are struggling with the same issue.  From there, our early customers like Marketo and Palo Alto Networks helped shape LeanData’s evolution including our in-market solutions.

We created LeanData to facilitate meaningful connections between data and people to connect business to revenue faster.

A great thing we realized in our journey is that modern marketing technologies are pushing the boundaries of brand engagement and customer experience.  

A great example of these innovations is the in-market account-based marketing solutions including Marketo ABM, Salesforce Einstein ABM, Demandbase ABM, among others. These tools have turned ABM from a business concept into an effective revenue generation channel. Today’s innovations are enabling marketing and sales teams to align and put their ABM strategies into action efficiently.

When it comes to measuring the performance of all our tools, we make it a priority to test the performance of the tools regularly. For example, our marketing team runs A/B and multivariate tests in Google Optimize nearly every day to optimize conversions on LeanData’s home and trial pages.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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