Most Insider Data Breaches Aren’t Malicious

The majority of insider data breaches are non-malicious, according to new research released today by American cybersecurity software company Code42 in partnership with Aberdeen Research.  The report Understanding Your Insider Risk and…

Zero Trust for Data Helps Enterprises Detect, Respond and Recover from Breaches

Mohit Tiwari, CEO of Symmetry Systems, explores Zero Trust, data objects and the NIST framework for cloud and on-prem environments. AUTHOR: Mohit Tiwari, CEO and…

Microsoft updates Power Apps after ‘Sensitive Data’ breach: UpGuard

Multiple users of Microsoft’s business applications solution Power Apps — including Microsoft itself — are alleged to have unintentionally exposed 38 million records through portals…

PwC: ‘Limited’ Client Data Impacted In MOVEit Cyberattacks

PricewaterhouseCoopers acknowledged Thursday it has become one of the latest victims impacted by the widespread cyberattack campaign exploiting a vulnerability in the MOVEit file transfer…

6 Ways to Earn Trust From Consumers Who Share Data With Your Brand [Data]

In 2023, having the right data can make or break your brand. But, for good reason, consumer data is harder than ever to get. As…

Kremlin Hackers Reportedly Breached Republican National Committee

State-backed Russian hackers reportedly breached the Republican National Committee (RNC) last week, although the party denies any data was stolen. Two people familiar with the…

CTOs Keeping Quiet on Breaches to Avoid Cyber Blame Game

Nearly two-thirds (36%) of IT leaders are not disclosing breaches for fear that they may lose their job, complicating efforts to enhance security, according to…

Two Months Is Too Long’: Tenable CEO Slams Okta’s Breach Response

Tenable CEO Amit Yoran criticized Okta for not telling customers about the compromise sooner and wondered if Okta would have disclosed anything had screenshots not leaked. …

Gravatar profile add-on leaks data on millions of users

Users who have signed up for password breach monitoring through the HaveIBeenPwned service are being alerted to a large-scale data leak by Gravatar, an add-on…

GoDaddy Breach Exposes 1.2M Customer Email Addresses

Hackers have since September accessed usernames, passwords, email addresses and SSL private keys for GoDaddy customers by compromising their Managed WordPress hosting environment. The Tempe, Ariz.-based…