If you are an Indian Startup, Here’s a Good News from Accenture Ventures

Tech giants Accenture and Microsoft have come together to accelerate innovation in the startup ecosystem. The two companies would host the third edition of the…

TechBytes with Tim Royston-Webb, Executive VP of Strategy at HG Insights

You have an extensive commercial background, tell us about your journey in Technology Intelligence. How did it begin? While I have always been involved in…

What Veritone Intends to Achieve with UGC Library from Collab?

The maker of aiWare Veritone has signed a creative agreement with Collab to expand its content licensing services to include User-Generated Content (UGC) Library. As…

UJET Raises Another $55 Million to Accelerate Contact Center Transformation

UJET Inc., a leading provider of cloud contact center solutions, has raised $55 million in a Series C round of funding, bringing the company’s total to…

Getting BIMI-Ready: How DigiCert-Valimail Partnership Enforces VMC/ DMARC Compliance

Companies are preparing to comply with VMC/DMARC using Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI). Valimail and DigiCert have come together to support companies in their…

Payfone’s $100 Million Funding: Customer Identification Software Matches Steps with New Omnichannel CX Benchmarks

Payfone Declares Latest Investment Will Accelerate Privacy-First Customer Identification Management Platform with Strategic Acquisitions Phone intelligence is undergoing a massive transformation as brands and omnichannel…

V3Media Interview with Jeff Kupietzky, CEO at PowerInbox

At PowerInbox, we’re fortunate that we have always had a culture of remote work, so shifting our 50+ employee organization to remote setup has gone…

V3Media Interview with Jeremy Fain, CEO at Cognitiv

How has your business changed since the COVID-19 pandemic? We have closed our offices and are now 100% remotely working for our clients. We are…

V3Media Interview with Niels Hartvig, Founder and CEO at Umbraco A/S

Tell us about your role and journey into technology. What made you start Umbraco? I started my career in IT as an 11-year-old in the…

TechBytes with Bill Swift, EVP and CTO at Brierley+Partners

Hi Bill, tell us about your role and the team/technology you handle at Brierley. I’m the CTO at Brierley and my primary responsibilities are product direction/strategy/development, sales…