
How AI will Change the Game for Influencer Marketing

The rise of inauthentic social media stars has made it increasingly more challenging for brands to run effective influencer campaigns in recent years. As more and more…

6 Hot Retail Trends for 2020

Nowadays, consumers expect to access and buy products and services at anytime and anywhere. They switch easily from smartphone to tablet to desktop multiple times…

5 Ways to Boost your Twitter Marketing Strategy

Nowadays, Twitter has become a powerful place for people to share their thoughts and opinions. With more than 321 million monthly active users, it has become…

Why GDPR Changes Everything…for the Better

More than 18 months ago, GDPR was released into the EU statute books as a set of enforceable laws. Do you remember the ridiculous frenzy…

How Can Marketing Team Up with Sales on Personalization’s ‘Last Mile’?

We recently held our inaugural client event, welcoming Sales and Marketing leadership from some of the largest Sales and Relationship management forces in North America.…

V3 Media: Inbound Sales Vs Inbound Marketing

Sales and Marketing – two departments always in conflict about demarcating their specific roles and responsibilities. Being an Inbound Marketer and a Specialist in Content…

V3 Media : What is Net Promoter Score

Net Promoter Score, or NPS, measures customer experience and predicts business growth. A core metric to measure customer experience management programs, it has transformed the ways of doing…

V3 Media Primers: Customer Service Versus Customer Experience

Forrester’s report on the Customer Experience Index states that the top 20% of brands investing in customer experience recorded a higher stock price growth and achieved greater…

Best B2B YouTube Marketing Ideas for 2020

YouTube is one of the greatest, most well-known sites in the world, this is what makes it an amazing Marketing tool. If you don’t have a YouTube…

TikTok Partners With Arnold Schwarzenegger’s After-School All-Stars to Provide Food and Resources

The short-form video platform is donating $3M to help provide millions of meals to families across the U.S. As schools across the country close, one…